965 82 21 01 - Carrer Cardenal Payà, 41, 03460 Beneixama info@beneixama.es
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The oil of the Xispes

This organic extra virgin olive oil comes from the olive groves of the Beneixama Valley grown in a respectful way with the environment, respecting the natural cycles of the olive tree and maintaining the fertility of the soil.

The olive variety is Alfafarenca, which has been cultivated in the area for centuries, and the result is a bitter green fruity oil reminiscent of fresh fruit, grass and olive leaf. This variety is especially rich in oleic acid, a fatty acid that helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, and in polyphenols, which are the antioxidant compounds that give it its characteristic bitter taste and prevent cell aging.

Consumed every day the oil of the Xispes you are taking care of your health and collaborating with the environment of the traditional agrarian ecosystem.

The Xispes.

Contact information:

Phone: 965 82 24 75

Web: www.lolidelxispes.com