965 82 21 01 - Carrer Cardenal Payà, 41, 03460 Beneixama info@beneixama.es

Municipal Sports Center

These recently modernized and expanded facilities have the following sports tracks:

  • 2 tennis courts.
    1 frontenis track.
    2 sports courts (prepared for both tennis, basketball or football).
    2 basketball courts.
    1 gym

The current opening hours are:

  • Labor: afternoons from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • Holidays: from 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

If you want to book a track you have to contact the Town Hall, its use is free for all residents of Beneixama.

Regarding indoor facilities, we currently have a gym, but that has been left “small”, progressively due to the large number of courses and sports activities offered by the City Council. It is for this reason that a new one is being built in the center of the Municipal Sports Center, to house new rooms in which to practice indoor sports.

Currently for the 2005-2006 academic year, the sports offer focuses on the following activities, all of which are supervised by qualified Physical Education instructors:

Maintenance Gymnastics:

This type of physical activity, allows with constancy, maintain the physical state for a long period of time, but yes, we must be perseverant.

The shifts are the following:

  • 1st Shift: Tuesday and Thursday from 9.15 to 10.15 h.
  • 2nd Shift: Monday and Wednesday from 19.30 to 20.30 h.
  • 3rd Turn: Monday and Wednesday from 20.30 to 21.30 h.
  • Pensioners: Tuesday and Thursday from 10.15 to 11.15 h.

The course lasts 9 months, starting in October and ending on June 30.


  • € 17.50 for people not enrolled during the previous year.
  • € 5.00 for people enrolled throughout the previous year.
  • Pensioners are exempt from tuition.

Amount of the monthly payment: € 14 and Pensioners € 7.00.

Skating Course:

Course that is sponsored by the Department of Sports. It tries to avoid the displacements that had to take place between the fans to this sport, to neighboring localities to be able to develop this activity.

Since the 2004-2005 academic year, this sport has been practiced, with great acceptance among the youngest. Purpose that takes place in the facilities of the sports center.

Hours: Saturdays from 6 to 7 in the afternoon.

Tennis Course:

This is a sport with strong roots in the town. It has a good number of fans of all ages, performing sports schools both normal course and in the summer months. In addition, several championships are organized in the summer season that motivate their practice.

Hours: Monday and Wednesday from 17,30 to 21,30 h.

Amount of the monthly payment: € 18