Comissió Sant Antoni
The celebration of Sant Antoni Abad del Porquet takes place in Beneixama from before the 20th century.
The festival is celebrated the weekend closest to January 17, the day of Onomastics of San Antonio. The acts that are carried out are:
Friday: At 4:30 p.m., Children’s parade of firewood collection for the Bonfire, and then Snack for the boys and girls that participate.
Saturday: At 11:00 p.m., children’s playground at the City Hall Square. At 7 pm, Cercavila through different streets of the town and, at the conclusion, Traditional Auction of donations to the Holy in the Patronage.
Sunday: At 12 o’clock. Mass. By S. Antón. Next, Blessing of Bambes and, later, Cavalcade of animals. At 6 pm, Procession of San Antonio, where the Bonfire is lit, and then the distribution of local snacks and wines among those attending.