965 82 21 01 - Carrer Cardenal Payà, 41, 03460 Beneixama info@beneixama.es

Concejalía de Servicios Sociales. Nota informativa.

Desde la Concejalía de Servicios Sociales se abre el plazo a todas las asociaciones con fines solidarios para el reparto del 0,7%, como años anteriores.

El plazo será del 30 de octubre al 12 de noviembre, ambos inclusive.


La documentación se debe registrar en las oficinas del M.I. Ajuntament de Beneixama, y será la siguiente:

  • Fotocopia del CIF de la asociación.
  • Memoria de actividades que la asociación u ONG ha realizado durante el año.
  • Justificación de gastos realizados
  • Facturas que acrediten los gastos y que se ajusten a la subvención que otros años se les haya podido conceder.



The Willow district

The Willow district

El Salse (in Valencian El Salze, “the willow”), is a hamlet of Beneixama. Its population registered in 2009 was 19 inhabitants (INE) It is located on the right bank of the Vinalopó river next to the old railway line V.A.Y. currently converted into the Greenway of Chicharra. Formerly had school, several stores and even an incipient pottery industry, which disappeared with the loss of population: if in 1970 had 93 inhabitants, these were 15 in 2003 and 19 in 2009. This phenomenon was due to the rural exodus, which converted the most of the homes in second homes. Account, however, with pedáneo mayoralty. Its main monument is the hermitage of San Vicente Ferrer, patron of the place. It contains frescoes from the late 19th century and has been recently restored. On the Monday of the second week of Easter, the festivities are celebrated in honor of San Vicente Ferrer.

Location on the map

Pedanía El Salze