965 82 21 01 - Carrer Cardenal Payà, 41, 03460 Beneixama info@beneixama.es

XIV Concurs Pepe Mas 2017

Un any més, l’Ajuntament de Beneixama junt amb la col·laboració de la Comissió de Festes de Beneixama, organitzen el XIV Concurs Pepe Mas 2017

Escudo Comisión de Fiestas de Beneixama



1. PARTICIPANTS: Fotògrafs professionals i aficionats.

2. TEMÀTICA: El tema d’este Concurs serà les Festes de Moros i Cristians i Beneixama en totes les seues facetes: les fotografies hauran d’estar realitzades durant tot l’any 2017.


  • A: Festes de Moros i Cristians.
  • B: Beneixama en totes les seues facetes.

4. MODALITAT: Color, blanc i negre. No seran ademeses les diapositives.

5. FORMAT: El tamany de la imatge fotogràfica serà lliure, presentant-se muntades sobre cartolina rígida de 40×50 cm., podent-se presentar un màxim de deu fotografies per categoria, cartolina i autor. Totes les fotografies seran originals e inèdites. Caldrà aportar també la fotografia en format digital (CD o DVD).

6. PRESENTACIÓ: Les obres seran presentades personalment en el Registre General del M.I. de Beneixama o bé per correu certificat a l’adreça C/Cardenal Payá, nº41, 03460 Beneixama, de de la publicació d’aquestes bases i fins al 29 de desembre de 2017.


  • Al dors de totes i cada una de les fotografies figurarà un LEMA, que serà el mateix per a totes les obres de l’autor.
  • Així mateix cada foto també al dors tindrà un NÚMERO I TÍTOL diferent.
  • En un sobre tancat a banda constarà:
    • En l’exterior el LEMA que identifica la col·lecció.
    • En l’interior:
      • Les dades de l’autor/a.
      • La relació de les obres NUMERADES I TITULADES que es corresponga amb el dors de les fotografies.
      • La categoria a la qual es presenta:
        1. A – Moros i Cristians.
        2. B – Beneixama en totes les seues facetes.

8. EXPOSICIÓ: Amb la totalitat de les obres presentades es realitzarà una exposició en la Sala d’Exposicions Temporals durant els caps de setmana previs a la celebració del Mig Any Fester 2018.

9 JURAT: El Jurat estarà format per cine membres, a més del Regidor de Festes que serà supervisor amb veu però sense vot, actuant de Secretari sense veu ni vot el de la Corporació o persona en qui delegue.

10. RESOLUCIÓ: El veredicte del jurat i l’entrega de premis tindrà lloc en un acte que es realitzarà durant el cap de setmana de la celebració del Mig Any Fester i que s’anunciarà amb antelació.

11. PREMIS: El primer premi de cada categoria consistirà en una quantitat en metàl·li de 300 euros i menció honorífica, i el segon de 150 euros i menció honorífica. Les obres premiades en cada una de les categories seran publicades en la Revista de Festes del proper any.



  • La totalitat de les obres presentades a concurs quedaran en propietat de l’Ajuntament per a ser incorporades a l’Arxiu Històric Municipal.
  • Si el Jurat Qualificador i l’Organització del concurs consideraren que no s’han presentat obres amb qualitat suficient, els premis podran declarar-se deserts.
  • Qualsevol assumpte no reflectit en les presents bases serà resolt pel Jurat.
  • La participació en el Concurs suposa la plena acceptació de totes les seues bases.

Foundation Elena Santonja

Foundation Elena Santonja


Office: C/ Cardenal Payá, 31

Hostel: C/. Constitución, 2 – 03460 Beneixama (Alicante)



Phone: 965 82 21 08


Página web:


  • Capacity for 100 people in two pavilions rooms with bunk beds from 2 people.
  • Bathrooms in each pavilion
  • Facilities adapted for the disabled (six places in two rooms).
  • Industrial kitchen equipped.
  • Dining room with capacity for 200 people.
  • Multi-purpose classrooms
  • Hot water.
  • Central heating.
  • Accommodation services, half board or full board.
  • Patio of 7000m2 with poliderpotiva track and playground for camping and any kind of activities.
  • Cloister of about 300m2 that can be covered in summer to perform different activities in the shade.
  • Other services to be specified.


On March 19, 1878, the beginning of activities of the Carmelite Sisters of Charity in Beneixama took place and for many years they were exercising their charitable action in the town, especially all the girls who were educated with care and Christian values , within the possibilities that were then, in such a way that they are remembered, passed the time, with much love and respect for the great good they did to so many people and for the Christian bed that left their education. After 91 years, in September 1969, the sisters, for lack of vocations, had to leave the “convent” and on October 13, 1969, the USE of the building was transferred to the Ministry of Education and Science, and works were carried out in it. to adapt it to the new circumstances and at the beginning of the 1971/2 course, the activities of the Home School begin. Vicente Valls and the City Council of the moment take part in this process, with which this new journey of the Foundation is called “Vicente Valls Home School” the building and patio are transferred, that is, all the real estate that the Foundation owned to the ministry of Education and Science to establish in them a “Home School” for children, with boarding school regime, and during school time they could go to the classes of the Village College, school, which on the other hand, by increasing the ratio of children in a hundred, had to use the building of the foundation to enable three classrooms and there to teach primary school. It was a great good for the town, since with this measure it was avoided that the children of the town, not enough at that time to maintain the school, had to travel to Biar to receive their classes with the consequent damage for all the families. This situation continues for 33 years.

On April 22, 2004, the Board of Trustees of the Foundation returned the right to the use that the Consellería de Cultura had previously had.
The board, reconstituted on October 20, 1998 with the adaptation of the new statutes to current legislation, was formed by José Limorti Guill, as president and two others as members in public deed No. 493 by the notary of Biar D. Álvaro Toro Ariza Said Board of Trustees waives the use of part of Consellería and begins to take over the building.

It is with a new building that can accommodate more than 100 children, with their bunk beds, many mattresses, bedding. Also with a dining room in very good condition with capacity for more than 200 people and dining utensils, some tables and chairs for children, many of them quite deteriorated.

It is located with a fairly equipped industrial kitchen and many other kitchen elements so you can exercise your function.
Two exterior bathrooms to be used from the cloister in good condition.

The old building, especially the upper floor, however is very deteriorated as well as the attic, full of leaks because the roof had not been restored for a long time.

The board of trustees considered the way to make money and, at the beginning, with the help of the parish and volunteering, the deteriorated began to be repaired.

In a second moment the building for captaincies, christenings, first communions, camps, coexistence, cultural weeks of housewives, etc. began to be rented. With this, money is collected to update the building.

At this time, June 2009, the building has been legalized as a public space, with all the requirements of the corresponding legal regulations to open it as a Rural Hostel.

It has taken a lot of time, effort and money to adapt to the current legislation so that the building is considered as public competition and the habitability license is granted.

Among the adaptation works, the following stand out:

  • Construction of two rooms for the disabled, with the corresponding access ramps and the bathroom adapted for wheelchairs.
  • A battery of 15 taps for the camps and their protection with a roof suitable for it that also protects the entrance of the courtyard to the building.
  • The adaptation of the kitchen with elimination of marble work tables by others of stainless steel, for a children’s dining room in which the children have a regular and continuous service, not sporadic as up to this moment.
  • Electrical installation of the entire building


Location on the map




Valdés Pastor

Valdés Pastor

In Valdés Pastor we offer the most complete service in ceremony fashion. We started by making communion dresses and soon we expanded our offer with bridal, godmother and children’s party collections.
We have 700 m2 of facilities and own workshop to offer a better service.

Leaders in the sector, we have designs from the best Spanish brands (La Sposa, Aire, Luna Novias, Novia D’Art, Fara Sposa, Charo Ruiz …), as well as our own.

Our customers are like us, excited for a special occasion, looking for a garment that makes them feel unique.

In Valdés Pastor, we get infected with that illusion and we make an effort because they feel the love and dedication that we put into every detail.

We have not stopped being a family business since 1983, so, with our clients, we are in family and family you can ask for a personalized treatment, a perfect fit of the dress and the best finish.


C/ Cervantes, 19 – 03460 Beneixama (Alicante)

Phone: 965 82 23 73

Web: www.valdespastor.com