965 82 21 01 - Carrer Cardenal Payà, 41, 03460 Beneixama info@beneixama.es

Obras de refuerzo Carretera CV-657 Beneixama-Fontanars dels Alfortins (2ª Fase)

Debido a los trabajos que se van a realizar para el refuerzo de la carretera Beneixama-Fontanars dels Alforins, la empresa encargada de dichas obras nos ha comunicado que desde el día 13 de junio y hasta nueva orden, permanecerá la carretera cortada a la altura del paraje de “La Talaeta”. Lo que se pone en conocimiento de la población por si tienen que utilizar esta recorrido. La empresa que está realizando estos trabajos será la encargada de efectuar dichos cortes, al mismo tiempo que pide disculpas por las molestias que se puedan ocasionar.

Conference “El Camí de Cabdet, a historical and archaeological approach”

On Sunday, February 11 at 5:00 pm at the Municipal Auditorium, the conference will be held by Professor Ramón Martí i Castelló, “El Camí de Cabdet, a historical and archaeological approach” by the professor at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Inside the 1st Congress of History on the First Valencian Southern Border of 1244 following the Treaty of Almisrà.

The City Council of Beneixama hires three people through various subsidy programs


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Logo Servef

The City Council of Beneixama has hired three people from the municipality through different employment programs.

The Local Development Agency has been in charge of contracting the EMCORD and EMCORP programs.

The EMCORD, for the hiring of long-term unemployed people and with an amount granted of 17,800 euros, has allowed to hire two people in the places of laborers. Contracts will last for 6 months.

EMCORP, for the hiring of unemployed people over 30 years old and with an amount of 15,000 euros, has allowed the incorporation of a person into the Town Planning Area of the City Council. This contract will last for approximately 6 months and 3 weeks.

Both programs are promoted by the Ministry of Sustainable Economy, Productive Sectors, Commerce and Work, and have as their main objective the promotion of employment among the groups at risk of vulnerability.

Logo Ministerio de EmpleoEscut Beneixama