965 82 21 01 - Carrer Cardenal Payà, 41, 03460 Beneixama info@beneixama.es
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On April 8, 1953, a group of 125 wine growers, constitute this company called “COLLECTIZATION TRADE UNION GROUP No. 673-2, with a registered capital of 1,500,000 pts .; Following the cooperative trend of those times, a capacity of 30,000 hls is available. approximately, that years later it would be expanded to 50,000 hlts.

“On May 12, 1964, on the occasion of the feast of San Isidro Labrador, Benejama has been developing a brief and emotional program of festivities, culminating in the celebration at the Cervantes theater of the town of an important act, whose motive was distinction made to the Trade Union Group of Colonization a. 673 Winery “Divina Aurora”, granting him the first San Isidro national prize for being the group that has carried out the greatest accomplishments with the least help from the State .. And basically the hard working class of Benejama for the successes of orientation and community practice that they have been able to print to the group until they take it to the first place of the national classification “.
Newspaper Information of the Province May 12, 1964

A manual bottling plant is installed and it is requested to register the “Del Valle” brand in the Industrial Property Registry, assigning us the number 421.137; and the 2907-A number corresponding to the Bottler Registry.

According to M.A.P.A. and R.D. 1776/1981 the previous denomination had to be modified by “SOCIEDAD AGRARIA DE TRANSFORMACIÓN Nº 3,546”, and from the year 1,991 until our days, it is called “BODEGA COOPERATIVA AGRÍCOLA” DIVINA AURORA “COOP.V., modifying the cement deposits by autovaciantes and of fermentation controlled of stainless steel.
Today our production is sold 90% to exporters and 10% to retail in our store of supplies to the farmer of Coarval.

Since the current Bodega Cooperativa de Beneixama was created, he felt the concern of bottling his wines, obtaining in 1966 the gold medal for the quality of his wines bottled under the brand named “DEL VALLE”, granted by the Ministry of Agriculture , from Madrid. Nowadays it continues to elaborate and bottle quality wines, adapted to the tastes of the current consumer, from this page we invite you to visit our store and taste our excellent wines, of extraordinary color, fine aromas, soft and velvety, that you are so fond of our consumers.

This cooperative in 1993 agreed in the General Meeting to apply for membership in the 2nd grade cooperative called COARVAL, to offer advice and quality-price, in the products of the field to our farmers.

The Fuel Section was created in 1994 in order to give quality at the best price when a group of 36 members through contributions made the investment of a GASOLEO B post, at 4 years there were 94 members registered in said section and in a General Meeting it was agreed the location of another “A” gasoline pole (1998) and in the year 2000 the normal and super gasoline was installed

The 1st Coarval Store in this cooperative opened in 1997 and was expanded in 2005 due to the demand for products from partners and customers. The following services are available:

  • Technical advice
  • Treatments
  • Subscriber plans
  • Agricultural Analysis



  • Fertilizers
  • Phytosanitary
  • Hardware in general
  • Automotive (oils, batteries, etc.)
  • Animal feed and hygiene
  • Seedlings and seeds
  • Drugstore
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Paints and accessories
  • Products for swimming pools
  • Feeding
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Frozen (meat and fish)
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Red and rosé wines, with D.O. in bulk, bag in box and bottled (young and matured in barrels) of the cooperative itself.


Contact information:

C/ Dr. Silvestre, 23 – 03460 Beneixama (Alicante)

Email: bodegabeneixama@gmail.com