Grup de Danses Beneixama
The Beneixama Dance Group was formed at the end of the 70s, when a group of young people, worried about the imminent disappearance of the Dances, intends to recover and collect the different passages and teach them to the new generations.
In 1980 the group is definitively formed as such, incorporating different dances from the region into the repertoire. The first performance takes place on September 11, the first day of Novena and the day on which the traditional “Dansà” began.
In the following years, the group acts in different localities of our province, and of the neighboring provinces: Valencia, Castellón and Murcia.
He has participated in numerous festivals, such as:
- “III Provincial Folkloric Concentration” organized by the Group of Choirs and Dances of Banyeres in the celebrations of Sta. María Magdalena, in 1882.
- In 1985 participates in the festivals of dances of Castalla and Xixona. Also, it acts in the festival of music and dance in honor of Sta. Cecilia, organized by the Musical Society of Torrevieja.
- In 1988 he participated in the “Nueva Gente” contest of T.V.E.
- XII Festival of folklore of Tibi in 1993.
- I Folkloric Festival of Alto Vinalopó in Canyada 1998.
- XVI Folkloric Festival “Villa de Fortuna” to 1999.
- XVI International Festival of Popular Dances in Crevillent in 2000.
- XVII International Festival of Popular Dances Villa de Biar in 2002.
- In the 90/01 course, the children’s school was formed, creating a youth group that has participated since that day in all the activities of the dance group. In 1998 participates in the I Children’s Dance Festival of Canyada.
Together with other folkloric groups from the province of Alicante, he is a founding member of the ALICANTE FEDERACIÓN DE AGRUPACIONES DE FOLKLORE (F.A.A.F.).
He has collaborated in various dance groups and other associations such as:
- The groups of Pensioners and Retirees of Elda, Petrer and Beneixama, in several occasions.
- In the act of proclamation of the Fallera Mayor de Benidorm in the year 1990.
- With the Patronage of treaty of Almizra (Camp de Mirra) participating as a dance group in its representation from 1984 to 1999.
- In the celebrations of the anniversaries of the groups:
- Group of Choirs and Dances Sta. María Magdalena de Banyeres 1989.
- Group of Dances “Pilar Penalva” of Crevillent.
- Group of Choirs and Dances of Ibi.
- Exhibition of clothing at the Todos Santos Fair, with the Convent of Cocentaina group.
- At the Ibi Red Cross Gala in September 2002.
- With the Peña Sajeño Alagonesa de Sax in February 2004.
- With the Folklore Group “Abuela Santa Ana” of Santa Ana de Albacete in celebration of the “MAYOS” in 2004.
On July 13, 1996, he organized the “1st ACADIO DE DANZAS” with the collaboration of M.I. City Council and the Comparsa de Agricultures.
In the 1999/2000 academic year he recorded a CD that was presented to the public with a performance on July 30 with a performance entitled “A les Danses toquen …”, in which the dances were introduced with a theatrical performance.
In July 2001 he organized a show of traditional clothing of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with about 400 pieces all presented by the residents of Beneixama and as closure of the exhibition made the performance with the representation “L’aixovar dels nuvis.”
In the summer of 2003 he made the exhibition “Virtuts de les nostres plantes. Mostra d’herbes medicinals de Beneixama “and the performance with her related making a tour of the traditional kitchen with the use of our herbs.
In 2005 and on the occasion of the celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the group, the book “Usos i virtuts de les nostres plantes” is presented in January, compilation and extension of the sample made in 2003. The photographic sample called “A les danses touch: imatges de la nostra popular culture “and the representation of” Les collites: temps de faena i ball “with audiovisual montage mixed with the most popular dances. The songs of the “Mayos” are also investigated, with the corresponding round taking place on the night of April 30 to May 1.
On July 15, 2006 organized the II Acopio de Danzas, participating groups from the provinces of Alicante, Albacete and Castellón. In 2008, an exchange was held with the Ibizan group of San Rafel.
Since 2006 he has participated in “El Acopio de la Sierra de Mariola”, which takes place every year and with an itinerant character, in one of the towns that are geographically rich in this mountain range and where each town shows its traditional dance.
Since its founding, The Beneixama Dance Group has organized, in collaboration with the M. I. Ayuntamiento, the evenings of the Novenario of our Patroness with the traditional Dansà. Likewise, on December 24, he goes through the streets of the town singing Christmas carols and congratulating the neighborhood on Christmas, which is why he compiles and prepares different traditional Christmas carols.
President: Juan Sirera
Juan: 679 613 572
Pepa: 618 139 156