965 82 21 01 - Carrer Cardenal Payà, 41, 03460 Beneixama info@beneixama.es
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Benixàmer C.B.


Benixàmer C.B. is a family business, young in the market, but with extensive experience in the sector and that only commercializes its own harvest. Dedicated to the cultivation of the olive grove, which pampers and takes care with care, to obtain an excellent oil.



For the preparation of Extra Virgin olive oil “Benixàmer” has been carried out a careful collection, made according to the degree of maturity of each farm or place, called: “pre-envero”. Period in which the juice of the olive manifests its best aromatic and gustatory expression. Only and exclusively the olives of the tree have been selected and not the falls to the ground, being ground the same day of the harvest.

The extraction of the oil is done by high-tech machinery and through a two-phase system at very low temperature called: “COLD” indisputable method by which the best qualities “ORGANOLÉPTICAS AND FLAVOR” are obtained.
In order to obtain this oil with an “EXTREME QUALITY”, the product has been monitored throughout all the stages of the manufacturing process, without ever abandoning it.

  • Net oleic yield less than 15.5%
  • Rigorous control of the extractive process.
  • Conservation in cellar in stainless steel tanks.

“Benixàmer” is a 100% natural unfiltered juice that can produce a slight deposit at the bottom of the bottle which does not alter the taste or the organoleptic characteristics of the product and has intact all its properties, vitamins and natural polyphenols.
The extra virgin olive oil “Benixàmer” is a “COUPAGE OR BLED” of the varieties: Picual, Rojal and Blanqueta, which make up an oil of great personality, complete and very balanced.

“Benixàmer” is a very fruity oil, with great balance between sweet, bitter and spicy flavors, with an olfactory and gustatory perception of: tomato, banana, apple, kiwi and freshly cut fresh grass.

Healthy, modern and natural.


Production limited to the harvest itself.


Extra virgin olive oil “Benixàmer” is available in two types of packaging:

50cl bottle
25cl bottle + case
The labeling of this oil is in accordance with the general rules of labeling, presentation and advertising of food products.


Limited production 2011/2012: 50,000 to 60,000 bottles according to packaging.


José Vicente Hernández Amorós
Agricultor y Gerente
Telf: 605 22 03 77

Email: piyayo76@gmail.com

Web: www.benixamer.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aceites.beneixamer